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Traditional Okinawan Training

Tachi-Machiwara (Standing Machiwara)
Traditional striking post used to learn to generate strength and movement.


Sagi-Machiwara (Hanging Machwara)
A hanging log used to mimic the movements of an opponent when training. This is a unique specialty of the shinjinbukan.

A small piece of wood that fits in the palm of your hand, used to condition the fist and to practice hitting your target from any position and orientation of the fist.

Tenshin (Neko ashi, Jigotai, Sankaku)
Movement or walking. It is the fundamental foundation of shinjinbukan karate.

Chiishi (Chiikara Ishi)
Asymmetrical weights used for strength building.

Kihon kumite (Basic Fighting)
Ranges from pre-arranged or ordered patterns to free form two man techniques.


Two person hooking hand techniques.

Iri-kumi (Inside Fighting)

Changing or moving hands. Basic concept of changing direction and circular techniques.

Shorin-Ryu Karate Katas

Kihon 1-2-3 (Basic kata 1-2-3)

Naihunchi Shodan

Naihunchi Nidan

Naihunchi Sandan

Pinan Shodan

Pinan Nidan

Pinan Sandan

Pinan Yondan

Pinan Godan

Passai no sho (the lesser passai)

Kusanku no sho (the lesser kusanku)


Passai no dai (the greater passai)

Kusanku no dai (the greater kusanku)

Useishin (gojushiho)




An integral part of training at the Shinjinbukan involves learning the dojo etiquette. Traditional Okinawan dojo are quite different from most Japanese dojo in that they are less militaristic in nature and etiquette may not be as readily apparent. The uninitiated may not notice the etiquette in an Okinawan dojo if they are used to traditional military style training environments like those found in Japanese schools. At the Shinjinbukan, dojo etiquette closely follows "old school" Okinawan karate etiquette and discipline, both in the dojo and when socializing outside the dojo.

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